Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thank You for Birthday Blessings

I want to thank all the more than two hundred people who took the time to send me Birthday greetings on my achieving the 77th year of God given live by Email, on Facebook and Twitter. It was an awesome experience to know that so many would send me Birthday blessings.

I have been so blessed by God who has taken me through 4 cancers and for all the gifts he has blessed me with throughout all those years most especially the gift of being able to now serve those who are so often neglected, the elderly, poor, sick and during my early years of my life, being able to teach young people of God’s infinite mercy and love and serve in parish Faith communities.

I ask you to continue to pray for me and more especially for this ministry as it is becoming extremely difficult to meet the needs of the ministry since we do not receive donations enough to cover the average monthly expences of approximately $375 without having extra expenses as we have had during the last two months. We currently are short $225 to pay the remainder of this month’s bills.

We are truly “Beggars for God” as the rule of St. Francis directs since our only source of funds to maintain the mission come from donors. As Matthew 5:3 says; “ “Blessed are the beggars in spirit! For the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.” Since we do not have a “collection Plate at the nursing homes we offer mass in and since most of those we serve are among the poorest of the poor, we need donors to keep our ministry operating.

Please pray that God will inspire some to make donations so we do not have to eliminate any of our ministry work.

I again thank all those who sent me the hundreds of Birthday blessings and greetings because it made me realize that I am truly blessed to have so many who would take the time to send greetings.

May God Bless all of you and may He fill your hearts with the glow of His infinite mercy and love to sustain you through all life’s difficulties as it has me.

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