Saturday, December 17, 2016

Homily for 4th Sunday of Advent

4th Sunday of Advent 2013 Reflection

By Rev. Bob Johnnene OFM

Mission Saints Sergius & Bacchus/ Order Franciscans Mercy

Reformed Catholic Church

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Readings from Isaiah 7:10-14, Psalm 24, Romans 1:1-7, Matthew 1:18-24


The Gospel for the Fourth Sunday of Advent indicates how powerful the child in the womb of Mary was. The force of the Holy Spirit so emanated from the child in Mary’s womb that John the Baptist who was in Elizabeth’s womb jumped with joy.

We must remember that Mary accepted the will of the Lord in spite of the possiblilty that in doing so she could be stoned to death.

How accepting are we of God’s will?

That is the lesson and the question we need to examine this last Sunday of Advent before we celebrate the birth of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ next Sunday December 25th.

Throughout all of history the Church has strongly encouraged the faithful to follow the example of Mary and give birth to Christ again in their hearts and through their actions and spiritually through prayer, reconciliation and partaking of the Eucharist.

Mary answered God’s call because she had hope and that is what we need to have according to Pope Francis;

In the Pope’s advent message he said; “For the great human family it is necessary to renew always the common horizon toward which we are journeying. The horizon of hope! This is the horizon that makes a good journey, Let us rediscover the beauty of being together along the way: the Church, with her vocation and mission, and the whole of humanity, the people, the civilizations, the cultures, all together on the paths of time.

The Blesses mother Mary serves as a “model of this spiritual attitude, to this way of being and of journeying in life.”

Although she was just a “simple girl,” she “carried in her heart the hope of God,” In her womb, the hope of God took flesh, became man, and made history: Jesus Christ.”

Mary’s song of praise in the Magnificat “is the canticle of the People of God on the journey, and of all men and women who hope in God, in the power of his mercy.” Said Pope Francis.

Let us be guided by her, she who is mother, she is our mother and knows how to lead us. Let us be guided by her in this time of waiting and active vigilance.”

We are reminded of the words of St. Francis concerning the birth of Christ; “We give birth to him through holy works, which should shine forth as an example for others. How holy and dear, pleasant, humble, peaceful, lovable and desirable above all things it is to have such a brother and such a son, our Lord Jesus Christ!”

As we go through life often times we are faced with problems or trials that we would rather not have to deal with. I find that some of life’s most difficult times are lessons sent by God to lead us toward the place he desires us to be or tests like those Job had to endure as proof of His complete trust and love of God.

St. Franics is telling us that when we love God with a sincere heart we give birth to Christ spiritually especially when we accomplish deeds that manifest Christ’s teachings to the world, like feeding the poor, giving shelter to the homeless, visiting the sick, and praying for the well being of others.

What would have happened, I often wonder, if Mary did not have trust and hope in God and had told Gabrial “You have got to be kidding?  

“You want me to bring forth a child without being married?” “No Way!” “I could get stoned to death as a harlot”

It is with complete hope and faith in God, The God that Mary knew from the Hebrew Scriptures, that Mary accepted God’s invitation even though it could create a very heavy burden for her.

So let us follow Mary as Pope Francis suggests, and as St. Francis often told his brothers and sisters and put our hope and faith in God that he will make our lives better if we offer him the gift of our trust, hope and love this Christmas and tell God “Not our will but your will be done unto us according to your word”  AMEN


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