Saturday, January 21, 2017

Sunday Jan. 22, 2017 Homily

How would You Answer Christ‘s Call,

A Reflection for the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time, 2017

January 22, 2017

BY Rev. Robert Johnnene OFM

Mission Sts. Sergius and Bacchus

Order Franciscans of Mercy

Reformed Catholic Church

Based on Readings from Isaiah 8:23 - 9:3, 1 Corinthians 1:10 - 17,& Matthew 4:12 - 23  


The Gospel for today is the story of Christ calling the first apostles to follow him and how they dropped everything on the spot to do so.

It had me wonder on how I, or anyone in this the twenty first Century would respond to Christ’s call and what was it about Christ that common men left everything to follow a very poor carpenter.

The same might also be asked about why so many, 5000 in a very short space of time, choose to follow our Seraphic Father Francis of Assisi when many of his towns people considered him crazy, just as many considered Christ crazy.

The Gospel story tells us ;“From that moment, Jesus began his preaching with the message, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand’.  …‘Follow me and I will make you fishers of men’…

If you lived at that time or in fact even today,and heard someone saying He would make them “Fishers of Men” what would you think?

Probably the same thing that people thought in both Christ’s and Saint Francis time, this person is a lunatic.

One thing I do know is that today, vocations to religious life are way down from when I was a child. In most Catholic families, mothers all prayed that one of their sons might aspire to be called to the priesthood or a daughter to be a nun. Today, sadly, that kind of thinking is the furthest ffrom most parents thinking.

Sadly, even when someone does come forward seeking to be a member of our Franciscan community or feels they are being called by God to be a deacon or a priest, they do not want to put in the time and the effort required in studying that is required in order for them to achieve their perceived vocation.

It is like many things in our society, we seek instant gratification and that is not always the best or even most enjoyable and pleasant.

Repeatedly, week after week through the readings from Holy Scripture we hear how Christ fulfilled all the prophecies that foretold of the coming of the messiah, this week is no different. 

The prophet Isaiah refers to the one to come, Christ, as “a great light” one that will bring those who walk in darkness into the light.”

Christ did indeed bring light into a world full of darkness and gloom, not unlike the world we live in today. 

In order for that light to break through Christ had to take on the pain and suffering of rejection and doubt and ultimately die the ignominious death of a criminal on the cross just so we could achieve the forgiveness of our sins and transgressions and have the opportunity to gain eternal life free of pain and suffering.

Christ began by exhorting all to “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand”

Today, in a world where there is more emphasis on worldly things and less emphasis on living according to the teachings of Christ and giving God a portion of our daily time, we need to reflect on what Christ brought to us and how he instructed us to live. 

The light that Christ brought wiped away the darkness that enveloped the world by showing us that Love of God and love and respect of each other and all God created was the way to live.

Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians could also be speaking to those of us who live in the world today “I appeal to you, brothers, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, to make up the differences between you, and instead of disagreeing among you, to be united again in your belief and practice.”

Over the centuries that divide us from the time of Christ to this twenty first century there have been many changes made to the words of Christ. Man has taken the simple message of Love, charity, Compassion, and forgiveness that Christ preached and added many that have nothing to do with knowing, loving and serving God but a lot to do with control, power, and sadly, greed.

Through the years these manmade rules and regulations have divided the Church that the apostles formed based on the teachings of Christ.

In my opinion events of recent years like speaking out in favor of a return to allowing married priests and the ordination of women as deacons, as they were in the time of Paul is The Holy Spirit attempting to awaken us to greater possibilities of serving God and his ever enlarging flock.

There are so many people who are hearing the call “Follow me and I will make you fishers of people” but are being denied that opportunity because they are married or are women. 

Virtually all Protestant denominations including those that are a part of The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church like the Anglicans and Lutherans and, reformed Judaism, have women serving as priests, ministers, or rabbis.

The Second Vatican Council's Decree on Ecumenism acknowledges the action of the Holy Spirit in other denominations (Ch. 1, Art. 3); and states "Whatever is wrought by the grace of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of our separated brothers and sisters can contribute to our own edification." (Ch. 1, Art. 4).

It would seem that Catholicism has something to learn in our journey toward true ecumenism.

With so much dissention and strife in this world, with poverty, hunger, and war claiming so many lives we need to return to the ways Christ instructed.

We need to let His light illuminate the road we will travel, and use the truth of His teachings as our roadmap to bringing about a time of brotherly love and Christian unity. 

Only by doing that we will again gather together as one united faith community in service to the  Father, Son and Holy Spirit; and be living out the great commandments proclaimed by Christ “Love the Lord, your God, with your whole heart, mind and soul, and love your neighbor as you love yourself.” 

We begin by accepting ourselves as God made us and accepting the diversity that God created for purposes know to Him alone.

We are all children of God, Jew or Gentile, Greek, Italian, Irish, Spanish or German, all are created by God and are His children, let us respect each other and love each other as Christ instructed.

Let us not shut out the light that Christ brought to the world but let us allow the Holy Spirit, the enlightener, to open us up to think beyond the status quo and realize that Christ challenged the norm of His day so we may well have to challenge the norms of today.

Let us actively seek to find ways to, as St Paul advised to the Corinthians, “make up the differences that separate us”, and seek out a way of unifying the entire Mystical Body of Christ.


I close this reflection with the words of Benedict XVI who ended his statement on Ecumenism with these words “May his example (St. Paul’s) be an encouragement for everyone to accept the Word of salvation and to translate it into daily life, in faithful discipleship of Christ." AMEN

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