Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter 2009 Reflection

Do Not Be Afraid, He is Risen
An Easter Reflection
By Rev. Robert Francis Johnnene OFD
Mission Sts. Sergius and Bacchus/ Franciscans of Divine mercy
Reformed Catholic Church International of New England

Alleluia, Alleluia “This is the Day the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad” (Psalm 118:24). “Do not be Afraid, You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified, He is not here, He has risen” (Mark 16:6). “Why do you search for the living among the Dead” (Luke24: 5 ) “He is not here, He has been raised, exactly as He had promised” (Matthew 28:6). “Rabbouni (Hebrew for teacher) ….I have seen the Lord” (John 20:18).All the above quotes taken from the four gospels telling of the Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ should have special meaning for us. My Favorite and one I keep deep in my heart is “Do Not Be Afraid” simply put, if you have faith in God and the promises of Christ, there is nothing in life that you need to be afraid of. By trusting in God’s will and believing that everything in life has a purpose, even the dissention, suffering, the recession or depression or events that cause separation, bickering, and even the power hungry who profess to be followers of Christ, all have their reason for being, it is up to us to attempt to learn what we can and grow from them. How foolish we mere mortals are. We allow pride, greed and envy to cloud our eyes so that we forget the message taught by Jesus in His resurrection. The message that with God, all things can be conquered, even death.
Christ not only conquered death, he conquered our sins because by His death and resurrection he brought us forgiveness. Jesus came to us from Almighty God to be the supreme “Rabbouni” teacher to us. He came to teach us the way to attain own salvation and glory. The sad thing is we all too often do not follow or listen to what he taught us. We need to affirm, as Mary Magdalene did when she proclaimed “Rabbouni” that Jesus was the ultimate teacher sent by God to make clear God‘s intentions and desires. Jesus was, is, and always will be the head of the church. He directs those who believe in Him through the Holy Spirit, “the giver of life who proceeds from the Father and the son. With the Father and the son, is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through the prophets.” (Nicene Creed)We need to acknowledge our love of God by seeking the truth and living in accord with the teachings of Christ. We need to live our daily lives in the manner that Jesus instructed us. “Why do you search for the living (Jesus) among the dead? “He has been raised, exactly as He promised” Jesus is alive; he is alive in the hearts and souls of all those who have been reborn through Baptism and who faithfully live according to His instructions. He is alive in us every time we partake of the Eucharist, His body and blood given us on that first Holy Thursday. Christ is the “living Bread”. He gave himself to us so that we could carry on His work here on earth while he and the Father watch over us. On this glorious day when we celebrate the resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Let ALL who believe in Him and accept His call to “Come Follow Me” (Luke 18:22) work together and make a concerted effort to repair the breaches that have torn Christ’s church apart into so many segments. There is only one creator God, There is only one Jesus Christ, He established one church and one Universal faith. We are all called to be His servants, His disciples. Especially we, who have been called as shepherds to His flock, need to work with one voice just as Jesus spoke with one voice. We need to stop the exclusion of some, the name calling, seeking control and power and cone together in unity with one message, the message of God‘s infinite mercy and love for ALL His children. Let us shout, loudly. Alleluia, Alleluia, This is the Day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be Glad, Jesus Christ has risen, Jesus is alive. Alleluia, Alleluia.
May God's infinite blessings fill your heart with comfort and peace.

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