Saturday, October 30, 2010

An Advent Suggestion

An Advent Suggestion

The Franciscans of Divine Mercy and Mission Saints Sergius and Bacchus follow the rule of St. Francis and Begging for the needs of our ministry. “I firmly command all the friars, that in no manner are they to receive coins or money for themselves except for the necessities of the sick, poor infirm and for the needs of the ministries as they see expedites necessity. Let those friars, to whom the Lord gives the grace to work, do so faithfully and devotedly, in such a way that their labor provides for their individual needs as well as any excess be used for the needs of their friars what is for the necessity of the body accepting coins or money humbly, as befits the servants of God and the followers of most holy poverty.” (excerpts from the rule of St. Francis)

We also desire to follow a suggestion of St. Francis concerning the needs of our brothers and sisters the animals, birds of the air and fish of the sea with whom Francis felt a deep kinship with all God’s creatures calling them "brother" and "sister," knowing they came from the same Source as himself.

In 1223: Francis wrote "If I ever have the opportunity to talk with the emperor I'll beg him, for the love of God and me, to enact a special law: no one is to capture or kill our sisters the larks or do them any harm. Furthermore, all mayors and lords of castles and towns are required to scatter wheat and other grain on the roads outside the walls so that our sisters the larks and other birds might have something to eat … And on Christmas Eve, out of reverence for the Son of God, whom on that night the Virgin Mary placed in a manger before the ox and the ass, anyone having an ox or an ass is to feed it a generous portion of choice fodder. And, on Christmas Day, the rich are to give the poor the finest food in abundance." (TAKEN FROM MIRROR OF PERFECTION, 114)

We therefore suggest that all Mission Saints Sergius & Bacchus members, family and friends and all Christian Faith Communities plan to distribute food to the needy during Advent, distribute bags of bird seed each week to those attending Services to be scattered for the birds to eat and plan to make a special visit bringing a small gift to the sick, elderly persons shut-ins who are alone in the spirit of Christian Charity therefore exhibiting God’s infinite love for ALL his children human as well as our Brothers and Sisters the birds of the air, fish of the sea and other animals..

By doing this we will be actively spreading the gift of God’s love and reflecting God by our actions.

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