Wednesday, November 3, 2010

May God Help & Guide the USA

God Help & Guide the US

The results of the elections yesterday have stunned me and caused me to pray for the well-being of the United States.

It is so sad that a nation founded upon the principals of Equality and Justice for all has been duped into electing people that are openly bigoted, homophobic, preach hatred and applaud violence toward certain people that do not meet their standards.

They won because of spreading fear and because of prejudice toward the first Afro American President and by riding the wave of discontent because of the economic mess we are in.

A mess caused by the actions of the previous party that controlled this country for 8 years and spent trillions on waging war while allowing big business and corporations to earn high profits through trickery and run-a-way greed.

The people who will end up suffering even more than they are now are the poor, aged on fixed incomes, the lower middle-income group while the rich who earn more than three hundred thousand a year will gain and get even richer.

We need to pray that God will inject some compassion and charity into those who have taken control of the House through lies, prejudice, fear and innuendo as well as open their eyes to accept the diversity that God has created and not allow violence against people for any reason to flourish.

Even the post victory speeches by those who have won seats has been filled with vitriol and statements that their primary purpose is to defeat President Obama who has tried to help the all those who are need affordable medical care, housing, food, educations and an improvement in their quality of life.

God help the US and soften the hard hearts of those who are taking control of the House of Representatives. AMEN

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