Saturday, December 3, 2016

Homily for 2nd Sunday of Advent

Second Sunday of Advent

December 4, 2016

By Rev. Bob Johnnene OFM

Mission Saints Sergius & Bacchus/ Order Franciscans of Mercy

Reformed Catholic Church

Based on Reading froms: Isaiah 11:1-10,; Psalm 72, Romans 15:4-9, Matthew 3:1-12

“The Lord will come to save all nations, and your hearts will exult to hear his majestic voice” the words are the Entrance antiphon for the Second Sunday of Advent.

The opening prayer for this Sunday is asking that nothing may hinder us from receiving Christ with joy.

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand

We do not make people feel comfortable when we are constantly chiding them for things that they have no control over.   We do not make people less sad when we tell them that they are unwanted in God’s house not for having committed a grievous sin like murder, robbery, or cursing Almighty God, but for being true to how God created them.

Recently Pope Francis in a statement to Polish Bishops had the following comment; “transgenderism is similar to genetic modification and the nuclear arms race, both of which are technologies designed to destroy creation. Both of these abominations, as well as transgenderism, represent blatant sinful acts against Creator God, " Pope Francis did clarify his statement about transgender being an abomination by saying this;  "These people must be accompanied as Jesus accompanied them," said Francis. "It's one thing if a person has this tendency and also changes sex. It's another thing to teach this in school to change mentalities. This is what I call 'ideological colonization. In addition, teaching the "gender theory" in schools is one of the threats that spark a "world war against marriage." When asked how he would minister to Catholics struggling with their gender identity or sexual orientation, he said he would not abandon them because this is what Jesus would do.

The Pope also acknowledged that the issue of transgender Catholics is a problem of morality which must be resolved. However, he cautioned that the issue must always be addressed with God's mercy and "within the truth."

Sadly, what Pope Francis evidently does not know is that his statement and other statements that the church has made about GLBT persons has generated violence and even death against Gay, lesbian, and Transgender individuals.

Some of the Roman Bishops who have spoken out in favor of GLBT persons need to open the pope’s eyes that when the pontiff makes a statement like the one he made it reinforces the mentality of those people who are homophobic and they feel justified in their acts of violence and bigotry.

The Roman Church also bans and has fired people who teach scientific facts, as I do, that God creates people with their sexual orientation and that some people are born with the body of one gender but the overriding chromosome that controls their inner feelings and mind is making them feel like the opposite of what their body is this has a scientific name, “Dysphoria”.

The Roman church throughout history has often refused to acknowledge accepted scientific facts and now they refuse to accept that people are born with a homosexual orientation, or that in the process of their creation some genes did not evolve so an individual might have the outward physical form of a male or a female but their psychological mind and even their external actions are those of the opposite sex their bodies carry. This refusal of accepting majority scientific findings is just like their refusal to accept the finding of Galileo and persecuted him.

True they repented hundreds of years later for that and all the other many sins that the hierarchy of the church committed in the name of God.

That did not make Galileo’s life any easier while he was alive and if a few hundred years from now they decide that they were wrong and indeed God does create people with their sexual orientation or that some individuals are born with the physical appearance of one sex but their seminal self and their anatomic sex are of the opposite sex, making them feel that the reflection they see in a mirror has a very strong disassociation from who they are and it is usually, accompanied by a kind of shock, confusion, or mental jarring. They have a strong, gut-level sensation that whoever is behind the mirror is not them that everything thing is wrong and surreal, they feel like their life is a mirage, alien, unreal, and very distant, giving them persistent discomfort about their assigned sex and its usual gender role; the Mental inner feeling may become apparent in childhood or not appear until adolescence or adulthood. Individuals may attempt to live as members of the opposite sex and seek hormonal and surgical treatment to bring their anatomy into conformity with their belief. Being Transgender is not the same as transvestism.

Just as the churches apology for refuting Galileo’s scientific findings did not help him during his life their awakening to scientific fact about homosexuals and transgender persons in the future will not help those who are being persecuted and often murdered now.

In this year proclaiming and honoring God’s infinite mercy we need to realize that children of God are hurting now !

People are starving now and  they need comfort now

Those who are dying from lack of food, living in housing that is inadequate or being discriminated against and abused because they are homosexual or transgender need to find the comfort of God’s love from those of us who claim we love God and Jesus Christ.

The Gospels are full of stories of how Jesus reached out to the poor, lame, lepers, the “unclean” the non-Jew and the eunuch. He did not withhold His love and healing from anyone if they believed and desired to follow Him, .

He did not reject someone because they were not of the Jewish faith. No! He reached out to all people.

Our second reading reminds us that a day to the Lord could mean a thousand years and a thousand years like a day.

For us, God’s children and the brothers and sisters of Christ, we are here to do God’s work in our time; we are here to make changes in our time. We need to evaluate how we treat others like Christ would have treated them.

Do we accept all as Christ did, or do we discriminate because we are self-righteous and think that our lives are exactly how everyone else should live theirs?

The second reading also tells us that God wants NOBODY to be lost.

Have we answered the call “Come follow me” as Peter and Andrew did, and began living our lives according to the directions Christ Gave us in the Beatitudes and with the words “Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself”

Do we do for our neighbor what we want done to us?

These are questions we need to ask ourselves during this Advent season as we prepare to celebrate the wondrous birth of Our Savior especially this week when we celebrate the Immaculate Conceptions of Our Lady on Thursday.

God ordained that she be born free of the stain of original sin so that her womb would be a pure vessel for His son to be conceived from.

Let us look to Our lady for guidance as to how to conduct our lives and ask her to intercede to her beloved son on our behalf that we become more open and accepting of others. That we live our life daily in a way that brings honor and glory and praise to Almighty God by consoling all those who are suffering and in need that we meet on our daily journey of life. Amen

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